PSJA Sonia M. Sotomayor Early College High School; a school making a difference!
Mission Statement
PSJA Sonia M. Sotomayor Early College High School is committed to the success of teen mothers by providing an opportunity to acquire a high school diploma, industry certificates, as well as a college associates. We are prepared to help students reach their fullest potential by supporting an effective, educational and collegiate environment.
Listen to the full interview on AYO BIG GIRL!
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At Sotomayor ECHS we are breaking barriers by offering our students a well-rounded education including college classes. On top of being a teen mom our girls faces several obstacles and hurdles. We do our best to empower our girls by exposing them to different industries and career opportunities. We also help by offering free daycare to all the babies. On November 15, 2018 we are having our 4th Annual Women's Empowerment Conference where we bring in amazing guest speaker to help inspire the girls.
Elite Sponsors:
PSJA ISD - CTE Department
Atlas Electrical & Air Conditioning
Starbucks, Pharr, TX
Debbie Lou Modeling Academy
Shop 112
Clark Knapp Honda
Commissioner Eduardo Cantu
Doctors Hospital of Renaissance
Social Club
Sarrah Hammond
Lauren Campbell 104.1
Queen's Kitchen
EDC Mission
Cristina Garza
Top Golf